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Adaptive and Accessible Technologies in Libraries: Home

Improving Access to Library resources

Access for All


As public service providers, libraries must make reasonable efforts to give disabled people the same access to information, programs, and resources enjoyed by those who are not disabled.

The Carroll Center for the Blind

The Carroll Center for the Blind, located in Newton, Massachusetts, provides help for the blind including training and adaptive devices to individuals of all ages who have lost their sight so they can live independent and fulfilling lives.

Perkins School for the Blind

Perkins Library circulates more than a half million accessible books, newspapers and publications in braille, large print and digital audio formats annually to thousands of registered patrons in New England and beyond. The PWC Lending Library makes it possible for those in need to discover assistive technology solutions for themselves. Through our growing collection, library users have access to hardware, software, apps, and devices. Borrowers can explore these resources in their home or school environments and determine which assistive technology options best fit their needs.

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Libraries offer access to reading and technology to patrons with a wide range of disabilities.

MLS Advisor

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Terry McQuown
33 Boston Post Road West, Marlborough, MA 01752
508-357-2121 x 302