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Anti-Racism for School & Youth Services Librarians

A collaborative project of The Massachusetts Library System and the Massachusetts School Library Association


MLS is excited to offer another round of Project READY cohorts to begin in summer 2021! Project READY: Reimagining Equity & Access for Diverse Youth is a free, online, professional development curriculum created by UNC and is used to guide MLS virtual cohorts in learning and discussion.

Recorded 2020 Webinar

View the recording above to navigate through the chapters. The video above refers to the 2020 program and slight changes have been made. There are additional videos not included with the above recording that you can watch using the links below.

  1. Welcome
  2. What is Project READY?
  3. video blank space -skip to 7:09 and watch video here
  4. Curriculum
  5. Why Project READY?
  6. YSCon Cohort videos - found here: (need log in to view)
  7. How will we do this?
  8. Calendar (2021 calendar is in left column)
  9. Our plan
  10. Q&A
  11. School Libraries
  12. Academic
  13. Time management
  14. Elementary Schools
  15. Different perspectives in discussion/affinity groups
  16. Adult library staff
  17. Thank yous & Wrap up