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Intellectual Freedom Guide for Massachusetts Libraries: Home

Resources for Massachusetts Libraries to promote intellectual freedom and respond to challenges

Spotlight on IF News

Massachusetts book challenge data from 2023: 
MLA President Noelle Boc interviewed:
ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom Statement Regarding Midwest Tape/Hoopla Age and Content Ratings System 
Fighting Silent Censorship: Intellectual Freedom Resources by state
Brave Books library storytime scheduled for August 24, 2024:
ALA releases 2023 book challenge numbers:

Because students need a place to explore challenging ideas.  Libraries Transform

Because Banning Books Silences Stories.  Libraries Transform

Because books show us every color of the rainbow.  Libraries Transform

Because Librarians Stand Up for Your Right to Read.  Libraries Transform


How to Respond to a Challenge

Report a Challenge

Email the MLA Intellectual Freedom and Social Responsibility Committee at to report a challenge in your library.

School Libraries

Essential Resources

Collection Development & Reconsideration Policies

Make sure to regularly update your collection development and reconsideration policies.

Laws Related to Intellectual Freedom

First Amendment Audits

Media Interactions

For Library Trustees


Request materials from the Massachusetts Library System's Professional Collection
