Click here to download the 2015 Annual Meeting Packet,which includes the 2014 annual meeting notes,the business meeting agenda, FY17 budget and the Slate of Candidates for the MLS Executive Board.
9:00 AM- Check in and Breakfast
9:30 AM- Welcome from our Director
9:45 AM- Business Meeting
11:00 AM- Project SET Crew
11:30 AM- Breakout Sessions
12:30 PM- Lunch
1:30 PM- Ignite Sessions and Q&A
2:30 PM- The future of Project SET
Monday November 2, 2015
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Hogan Center,
College of Holy Cross
1 College St
Worcester, MA 01610
Join us for the MLS’ annual meeting featuring debut presentations crafted by Project SET participants focused on the theme of outreach. Come discover the inspirational results of this yearlong project designed to cultivate presentation and leadership skills among your Massachusetts library colleagues.
Project SET: Skills, Empowerment, Talent is a learning community guided by members of the Mass. Library Systems Advisory team. Project SET has been established in order to cultivate talent and provide support and encouragement to build participants confidence and strengthen their career paths.
We invite you for a full day of rich programming, breakfast and lunch. There is no charge to attend but you must register in advance.