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Spotlight on Literature

Content guide for fall 2020 continuing education "Spotlight on Literature" program.

Refreshing Youth Collections Webinar

Erin Downey HowertonYouth collections need a special approach when it comes to weeding. Learn tips and tricks that will increase the appeal of your collections! We'll talk about creating structured calendars for collection maintenance, discuss topics and formats that need updating on a regular basis, and chat about creative ways to use review journals to help you plan.  

Erin Downey Howerton (MA, MSLIS) is currently Youth Services Manager at the Wichita Public Library and has worked in public libraries for over 15 years. She specializes in youth collections, intellectual freedom, and technology. Howerton has participated in many ALA committees over the years, including the Margaret A. Edwards Award and the Printz Award. Recently, she served as chair of the Booklist Editorial Advisory Board and on the REFORMA 2020 Noche de Cuentos committee.

Tackling Racism in Classic Children's Literature Webinar

We all know that there are outdated and racist classics on our shelves. These books reflect a homogenous past, yet they still thrive in an ostensibly multicultural present. How do we hold fast to intellectual freedom while solidifying our commitment to diversity and inclusiveness? Nashville Public Library spent a year asking that question and the resulting work can be replicated by other libraries seeking to apply an anti-racist lens to their collections. Join us as Klem-Marí Cajigas and Lindsey Patrick-Wright offer insight and suggestions for us to re-evaluate our own collections.

Klem-Marí CajigasKlem-Marí Cajigas is the Family Literacy Coordinator for Bringing Books to Life!, Nashville Public Library’s award-winning early literacy outreach program. She has been with Nashville Public Library since 2012, after more than a decade of academic training in Religious Studies and Ministry, including doctoral work at Vanderbilt University.


Lindsey Patrick-Wright was formerly the Youth Services and Continuing Education Coordinator for TSLA. She has been at Nashville Public Library for 9 years now, first managing the Children's Department and is currently managing the Southeast Branch. 

Book Evaluation

Book evaluation is different from book reviewing. An evaluation is a critical assessment of a title. There are many questions you may ask yourself to help you form an opinion about the book. A review is a formal written expression of the critical assessment, and the purpose is to guide purchasers in selecting materials for their collections and to help readers decide if the book appeals to them. Book evaluation skills can assist you whether you are purchasing new titles, recommending titles, creating displays, and/or weeding your collection.

What Kind of Book Are You?