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Spotlight on Literature

Content guide for fall 2020 continuing education "Spotlight on Literature" program.

General Tips

Virtual Readers’ Advisory is a way to do one of the things you do best (recommend books!) while keeping yourself and your readers safe.

By providing socially distant RA you maintain your relevance and connection in the community. With the creation of virtual spaces, you can meet your users where they are -safely. Not only are people missing that personal interaction but you are their trusted book expert!

Start small & simple and manage your expectations. You’re probably not going to get 500 people watching your book review videos. You might not get many people watching the full video. But that’s not what it's about – it’s about connecting with your community and providing them with personal and personable service. Choose something with a small time investment to start with just see how it works.

Don't forget print promotional materials! Especially in areas where internet service is not accessible to all. Leave copies of fliers at laundries, food distribution sites, town hall, and with partner organizations. Have ways for patrons to get the same services by phone or on paper. Reach out to your Friends group, local newspaper, radio, town mailings, schools, PTO and other partners. By distributing print materials, you reach more people and may see an increase in your digital engagement.

Need help on how to choose and talk about books? Check out the section on Evaluation.

Creating Spaces

As part of the Spotlight on Literature series this video looks at creating virtual spaces through online reading rooms, on social media, and with virtual book clubs.

Highlighted Tool: Wakelet

Virtual Reading Room

Welcome to my virtual reading room! Click on different elements of the room to explore and learn! Want to make your own reading room? It's easy! Just check out the video above on "Creating Virtual Spaces".

virtual reading room by aprilrmazza

Concierge Services

As part of the Spotlight on Literature series this video looks at using forms to provide personalized reading recommendations.

Video On Demand

As part of the Spotlight on Literature series this video looks at creating videos to connect with readers.