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MLS Delivery: Interlibrary Loan Information

This guide introduces delivery at the Massachusetts Library System and provides all the necessary information about delivery, routes, scheduling, claim forms, etc.

Want to join the Delivery List-Serv?

To be added to the delivery email list and receive updates and announcements regarding delivery, please email

Please make sure at least one person from your library receives emails. We periodically put out important policy information and pertinent changes. 

Delivery Vs. Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan and Delivery are two separate yet dependent services provided by the Massachusetts Library System.

Delivery is the physical service used to get an item from one destination to the other.  The MLS has a contract with Optima Shipping for this service.

Interlibrary Loan is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library.  The purpose of interlibrary loan is to obtain material that would otherwise be unavailable in the user’s local library. 

The MLS Resource Sharing team offers mediated interlibrary loan for any MLS member library that would like to use the service.  For more information, please visit the ILL Guide >>> here <<<.

MLS contracts with the Boston Public Library to provide document delivery of journal articles to MLS member libraries in Massachusetts, please visit the Document Delivery via BPL Guide >>> here <<<.

MLS and the Rhode Island Office of Library & Information Services (OLIS) have teamed up to provide delivery service services to member libraries in each state who participate in their respective delivery programs, please visit the MA-RI Interstate Delivery Guide >>> here <<<.

Contact Information

Have a delivery question or concern? Contact Us!

Optima Customer Service:


MLS Delivery:

(508) 357-2121 option 1
(866) 627-7228