Interlibrary Loan
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Are you tracking your returns?
The Resource Sharing Team highly encourages using tracking labels when returning ILLs. Unfortunately, many ILL librarians had that option removed when USPS removed access to the free labels they used to distribute and replaced them with new labels, called 888-np. The 888-np isn't available to request from the USPS online store, but there are two methods to get new label stickers.
First: As USPS explains on their FAQ:
Create an® online account to print USPS Tracking® labels, purchase mailing/shipping services, buy stamps, etc. The tracking label prints both the label affixed to the product AND a receipt with the tracking number. Access your account anytime to retrieve tracking information or status of your item.
Remember that when you pair a USPS Tracking® product with a compatible Extra Service, you can receive proof of delivery, such as a signature. See Domestic Extra Services and International Extra Services for details.
Whichever option you choose — at the Post Office retail counter or online at — you’ll have access to the same USPS Tracking® information. Just remember to hold on to your retail receipt! The Postal Service cannot track or locate an item without the tracking number.
Second: If you're a current Pitney Bowes customer with a machine that doesn't print barcodes, you may request the new 888-np labels through Pitney Bowes.
Even if you don’t currently have any packages going out, we recommend printing or ordering them now so you have them ready when you do. There has been a dramatic increase in packages being delayed or lost in the mail since the recent Postal changes, on top of delays that began in 2020. Knowing a tracking number can save you from being invoiced, as well as avoid a lender from being discouraged from lending to us in the future.
The "Private Notes" field in Clio is a great place to record your tracking numbers so you and the RS team can easily find them!
As always, please reach out to with any questions or concerns!
Resource Sharing Team
Best Method for email:
866-627-7228 select option #4
Elm L. Bogart, Resource Sharing Assistant x318
Kate Bowen, Resource Sharing Assistant x321
Heidi Flynn, Resource Sharing Assistant, x303
Vincent Nguyen, Resource Sharing Assistant x316
Alison DeMers, Resource Sharing Librarian x317
Scott Kehoe, Library Resources Director x308
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