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Interlibrary Loan: Interlibrary Loan via MLS

A guide to resource sharing activities and services at MLS and beyond.

Interlibrary Loan via MLS

The Massachusetts Library System provides Mediated Interlibrary Loan for MLS member libraries. 
Interlibrary loan refers to returnable items that cannot be borrowed through in-network transfer, the Commonwealth Catalog, or Point-to-Point.
Participating libraries place and update their borrowing requests through the cloud-based ILL client, Clio.

Clio Login to Make a Request:

Login using your 29999 number (BPL/ILLiad number)

Clio Login to Update and Manage Requests:

         Login using your Branch ID


If you don't know your login credentials, email us at


Contact us!

Resource Sharing Team

Best Method for email: 
866-627-7228 select option #4

Elm L. Bogart, Resource Sharing Assistant x318

Kate Bowen, Resource Sharing Assistant x321

Heidi Flynn, Resource Sharing Assistant, x303

Vincent Nguyen, Resource Sharing Assistant x316

Alison DeMers, Resource Sharing Librarian x317

Scott Kehoe, Library Resources Director x308

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